*creeps back into the blogosphere as if I never left*
It's been a crazy couple of weeks. After my third week of exams during which I had an exam every single day - I stopped caring. I, instead, continued to enjoy my life as if exams did not exist. This is a very bad attitude, I am aware - when finals come around (in a month's time) I will get my head screwed on again. For now - it is rolling off into the distance and I'm quite content with this.
Since the last time I was serious about life a few things have happened.
I got a tongue ring.
Minutes after I got it - excuse the blood. |
The other day - tongue is back to normal. |
I've never wanted a tongue ring - ever, but I've been holding up a risk-taking-attitude and along with Samantha Ross - you can find her blog
here - we made a deal to get one together. If it wasn't for her and the rest of my terrible friends (nudge nudge, wink wink) that wouldn't let me back out - I would have dropped out of the deal like the weakling I am! However, as you can see, I did go through with it. I promised my family I would take it out after VAC in December but I'm pretty much in love with it now so... yeah. That's not happening.
The following night I went out with friends, and because we went to the place where I bartended a couple of times, I scored so many free drinks thanks to being friends with the bartenders, and from the people I met when I was bartending. It was a wonderful night, as one can imagine - the best I have had in a long time.
The next day I took what turned out to be a mini-roadtrip with Samantha to Pretoria. After seeing the Matric Dance dress of a girl I know, I decided I no longer liked mine, and would go off in search of the shop from which she hired her dress. Sam is actually awful with directions. Simply awful. After traveling on the highway for a while, I felt as if we had just gone too far. Sam told me to take the next off-ramp which led us to Centurion. I pulled off in the parking lot of the closest shopping center to call the shop assistant with whom I had the appointment. She told me to get back onto the highway and take the Ryder off-ramp. It turns out I didn't know how to get back onto the same highway continuing into Pretoria, so we ended up traveling back to Johannesburg until I gave in and canceled my appointment. Continuing on the highway back home - I, again, felt that I had gone too far. We took the next off-ramp and landed up by Home Affairs. Only once I had gotten hold of the GPS on my iPad did we find ourselves safely back at home. That day I saw many new areas of Gauteng I wouldn't have seen without Sam.
I went to Melrose Arch a couple of times - once with a friend and once with my mom. It's honestly a mini-city. When my friend Jhayde told me that, I assume she meant it was just so big it could be considered a mini-city. But no - when I entered the premises I felt as if I was in London, just with a lot less people. It has little traffic lights, pedestrian crosses and even a High Street. It's huge. I loved it. I could go wild there. I'm planning on spending a day there this coming weekend - last minute Matric Dance purchases, you see. On the way back from my first visit to Melrose Arch, I didn't take any off-ramp and continued on going towards the airport. The highway is a horrible, bastard thing.
I saw The Dark Knight Rises yesterday - finally! It was brilliant. The twists made me so happy - mainly the last two.
The final item of news: today is my boyfriend's and my second year anniversary. (Go us!) In honour of this, I thought I'd share a couple of stories from our two years together.
- The first time I flew to Cape Town to visit him, we spent the day being tourists in the heart of Cape Town. We went to Camps Bay for lunch, but before lunch we went for a walk on the beach. When the weather in Cape Town is good - it is beautiful. We took our tops off to tan a bit while we walked. But alas, we forgot about the wind that exists at the beach. It was fairly high and mighty that day and was blowing sand into us - so hard that it stung like a [insert a selection of bad words here]. We ran to the nearest covering of rocks to get away from it - not that it helped until we got our tops back on. I'm crying from laughter as I write this.
- During the same holiday - and maybe the same day - we went on the Red Bus Tour which is exactly what it says - a tour you book to go on at the waterfront. There is a red or a blue bus that will take you on different routes around Cape Town. You can get on and off, as long as you present your ticket whenever you get back on the bus. We got off in the center of town - near Long Street and we got completely lost. Johnathan studied a map while I giggled on the side.
- I have a problem with following other people. When I am not concentrating when I'm driving, I will follow the car in front of me. In December, Johnathan and I went to London together. He left before I did, and I dropped him off at the airport. We took the underground tubes, you see. We had to get off at a station to change trains, and because I wasn't concentrating, I got off the tube and following the man in front of me directly onto the next tube. Johnathan followed suit and was not amused when we discovered we were heading in the wrong direction because I had taken the wrong train.
More stories include small things like drunken phone calls, playstation sessions in which I am either watching Johnathan play FIFA or I am playing with him and getting angry at the fact that I cannot play it to save my life, watching chick-flicks in which Johnathan can get quite worked up, so many restaurant dates because all we do when we are together is eat. When Johno is tired, he gets quite energetic (the logic escapes me) and annoying. So annoying that you can't be around him. However, because I'm his girlfriend and we're in a long distance relationship, when I am with him in his tired/energetic state, I'm forced to stay put. This leads to him covering me in blankets to make me claustrophobic, wrestling me so much that I get too hot or it hurts which in turns leads to me elbowing him in the nose and giving him a blood-nose. It's all very romantic you see.
I got these today:
Lucky girl, no? Happy Second Year Anniversary, baby.
I've amused myself writing this post. Thank you, blogosphere.
I started a Tumblr blog today - is that what you say? Tumblr blog? Anyway, I went into one of my frenzies, and I exceeded my daily post limit. You can find the page
here because it WASN'T ALL FOR NOTHING.