From me, to me. My personal Manifesto.
Trust in yourself more, and in your capabilities. Love and appreciate yourself more. You are the only guarantee you will ever have in your life. You have to live with yourself forever so don't be afraid of doing exactly what you want to do. Go on dates with yourself. Love your flaws, and don't ever be afraid or ashamed of them.Talk more with the people you don't talk a lot with. Embrace every person that crosses your path because you can learn something from everyone. Spend more time getting to know the people you think you already know so well, because you probably don't know them half as much as you think you do.
Find the aches of your heart and confront them. Always be honest with yourself.
Stop being afraid. Stop living for the future, and for the bigger picture. Live for now because it is the only thing you have for sure. Live for the individual moments but don't put so much effort into making moments perfect. Let them unfold on their own - you'll discover natural beauty.
Work hard because it's something you will never regret. Most importantly, always do something you are passionate about and have a driving obsession for. Don't fall into the endless and monotonous pit of a career and life that leaves you unhappy. It does not matter if your obsession does not rake in money - it. does. not. matter. It only matters that you are happy each and every day and that you always follow a path lined with your obsessions and the things that make you mind race with intention and determination to be a better version of yourself than you were the day before.
Love, appreciate and listen to your body. Treat it well, cos it's the only body you've got.
"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."
Stop living so carefully. You want to do more than just exist. Don't wait for the right moment to do something, because the right moment doesn't exist. Go out there and do something that scares you. Never do the same thing twice - always reach for the new experience and don't be uncertain of things you have never done before. Rest assured it came into your path of life because it's okay for you to go ahead with it. Take those chances, no matter how small the experience may be.
Ask questions. Never stop asking questions. Push yourself to learn more and more every day - your brain is like a muscle and will grow the more you work it. Pick up a magazine, start up a conversation with someone, read. Always read. Never stop reading. Get yourself lost in the endless world of a book, you know how you love that.
Find the people you are meant to keep close to your heart, and forget about the ones that poison it. Cherish the people who make you smile. Constantly surround yourself with passionate people that will challenge you as a human being and you will never stop growing
Make more time for family. They are beautiful.
Never have little dreams, and never be a little person. You are not a little person now, so never fall into the habit of life and daily routine, and become little. Always stick to your passions and always be spontaneous. Say yes.
- Every time you wake up ask yourself what good things am I going to do today?
Remember that when the sun goes down at sunset it will take a part of your life with it.
Native American Proverb
..... what's your manifesto? I'd love to read it.
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