Thursday, 31 May 2012

Being Bold is Bitchin'

I don't know where I got the idea from, but I have wanted to paint one or two walls of my room a bright colour. I was originally planning on doing it when I moved into my own apartment while studying at varisty, but I thought - YOLO, right? No, I'm just kidding. It was along the same train of thought, but something a lot deeper. It was also on my life list. Point 41.

I, at first, wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but now I am in love with it. It's so different, and passionate. I learnt that being bold, is actually very good for the soul.

The start....

Throwing some thoughts onto my wall (you can still see the J)...

The result... (excuse the unmade bed - it's exam season)

Sunday, 13 May 2012

How I am strong, is to know what makes me weak

Love is my greatest and most cherished value, whether this be the love of a family member, a friend or my incredible boyfriend - each is the same and uniquely different in its own overwhelmingly beautiful way. They come above all else.

I have learned a lot about love in the past few years as I have seen so much unfold in front of me and take my life screeching around unexpected turns. I have seen my family fall to ashes, and build themselves up again like a phoenix from a fire. I have learned that you can love someone, and not be able to stand them and you do these two things at exactly the same time. I have learned that it is never easy.

This comes from the very heart of my soul, and it is for someone who means more to me than one could dare say. The greatest love between two people stems from their choice of each other over everything else every single time. Their need to walk away, but to not let go of each other when they do so, only to walk right back never having wanted to stay away for too long in the first place.

There is nothing certain about love; only the certainty of that other person. You don't know where it is going to take you and you don't really care. You don't want to know if it's going to be devastating, silly, profound, subtle, immature, feisty - you only want to know that it just is. If that is what it comes down to at the end of the day, don't turn your back and don't go. You'll find balance where balance is needed.

"It's the only way to leave, "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye"." "Supposing we do still love them?" "You don't leave."
- Closer

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Nothing to be Done

Drama is a beautiful subject and you have to be truly passionate about it to do it. The most beautiful thing about it, is that it isn't just a subject. It is something you take out of the classroom and into your life. It enriches you with the kind of knowledge that allows you to form deeper levels of thinking. You engage yourself in so much more, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically.

The play we have just finished reading is called Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. It has completely blown my mind and changed my view on life in a way that I will never wish to remember my state of mind before this because it was too simple. It is not often that this happens. It's complicated so I ask you to bear with me. The setting of the play is unspecified. The stage is bare, apart from a tree which is placed center stage on a mound of dirt. The stage is divided into two symmetrical halves and so is the audience. An imaginary road runs through the middle of the audience and out into the middle of nowhere. There are only four characters: Vladimir, Estragon, Pozza and Lucky. Vladimir and Estragon have an intensified co-dependent relationship - another subject that I can become very passionate about.

The play revolves around the two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, and their hopeless waiting for Godot to arrive, for what reason we don't know and is never said. One's first thought is that it is a religious play and that Godot is perhaps God. He is not. Beckett says that if he meant for him to be God, he would have said "God". Beckett says that if he knew who Godot was at all, he would have said who he was.
This is the part that made me fall in love with this play: Godot is that thing in life that everyone is waiting for but never comes.

There is a quotation in the play, said by Pozzo, "they give birth astride of the grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more." This is the second message given that made me fall in deeper in love with the play. What Beckett is saying here is that life seems an eternity to us, but it is merely a split second in cosmic time.

I have a thing about death - a big thing. If I think about it too hard I feel cold at the very core of myself and I can't move until I stop thinking about it. We all know that we are going to die. The problem is that no one can actually grasp the concept of death because it is nothing we can imagine or experience in any way until it actually happens. I have never broken my arm and can be afraid of doing so in the future, but I have felt physical pain before and so I can imagine what it would be like to break a bone in my body - but there is nothing comparable with death and thus, one cannot grasp its concept in any such way.

There is a poem I studied in English called Death Be Not Proud by John Donne. At the time, it allowed me the sense of accepting the idea of death and being okay with it. A couple of years on, my views have changed. "From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee" - a line in the poem in which the poet is asking death why he is so proud, when rest and sleep are merely miniature versions of him, and bring people joy? I fully understand the idea of that line, and yes, sleep may be like death in the sense we are unconscious but we will eventually wake up when our alarm clock goes off and we will get on with our day. But death? There is nothing like it. When I die, I will die. I will not dream. I will not wake up. I will not see the world again. I will not be able to use any of my senses again. Life will go on and I will eventually be forgotten. I cannot stop this from happening. It is going to happen and that scares me more than anything else.

I've been thinking about this a lot, what with reading Waiting For Godot every day, and also for the fact that I've been enjoying my life. That sounds like a very run-of-the-mill thing to say, but it's true. I have yet to blog about the weekend that has just come and gone - a weekend I thoroughly enjoyed because I experienced many news things and did things I would not usually do on an average weekend. These two factors (Waiting for Godot and my extraordinary weekend) have made me realise how absurd certain things can be in the sense that I may ask myself why I spend my time worrying about this or that, because at the end of the day, does any of it matter? It makes you realise how small your issues are and how senseless it is to waste time on them. There is a huge world out there that you are probably never gonna see half of. There are going to be things you have never done and one day, you will die not having done most of them, or maybe you will - that is not in anyone's control but your own.

The things you want to do? Do them. Stop waiting for Godot. Stop being unhappy with the life you have and the things and people that fill it. Stop making excuses. Stop waiting for the "right moment" to do things. The right moment is never going to come because it does not exist. The world is literally laying at your feet and it's just waiting for you to take it and own it - make it yours.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A Thought to stop Thoughts

Here's something about me: I have so many things I want to do, and so many plans for my life that I don't know how I'm ever going to fit it all in.

Have you ever had that? Maybe you have too much work to do so you end up sitting and doing nothing because you don't know where to start. That's me - just with my entire life.

My brain is constantly thinking. I don't stop - ever. I've just read a statistic that people have approximately 100 000 thoughts a minute which is 1.5 thoughts in a second. Crazy, is it not? What is even more crazy is that, yeah, I have 200 000 thoughts a day which is probably why my boyfriend's phone is always flooded with messages because I'll message him when I think of something new - A.K.A. ALWAYS!

It has, kind of, been bugging me lately, since I don't ever do any of these things that I have planned for my life. I am always looking for the next big thing. I can never say, my life right now is fantastic and I'm so happy. Instead I say, I can't wait for all the things I have planned for next year! Guess what? Next year comes and it's the same story. I'm just going around in circles, really.

So, NEW THOUGHT - hey brain, SHUT UP. My challenge to myself (and to you, because I know I'm not alone in this) is to stop the thinking, stop the wishing and waiting, and start taking each day at a time, by a moment. Appreciate what you have here and now, and maybe once you've got that sorted, you will be able to fill your days with the things you actually want to do which, at the moment, for me, is to paint my room.

An update and pictures soon - once I have reached my goal. I promise.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Day 12: Newspaper Nails

Creative, no? Unfortunately, I leeched this creativity off my sister who, I assume, leeched it off someone else who leeched it off someone else... and so the story goes. Where is the originality in the world?! Just kidding. Kind of.


1. Tear or cut (depending on if you have OCD or not) pieces of newspaper a bit bigger than the size of your nails. Try and aim for pieces with a lot of writing.
2. Pour a small glass/shot glass of Vodka (or any other spirit).
3. Pour another one to use for your nails.
4. Paint your nails with two coats of colour. Bright colours will work the best. Light colours like a nude or a white will also work. Dark colours won't show the writing. You don't need the nail polish to be completely dry before you start. If you touch your nail, and it leaves a fingerprint instead of smudging it, you're pretty much ready. It can be completely dry, too, if you want. This is a free country.

Let's make some magic:

5. Dip your nail into the spirit for ten to fifteen seconds.
6. Pull it out and press the newspaper over it for five to seven seconds - no longer or else you'll take off your nail polish with the newspaper.
7. Gently pull the newspaper off your nail.
8. Repeat for your other nails. The more times you do it for each nail, the more writing there will be - obviously. I did it twice for each nail.

I'll say it again - creative, no?
You're welcome.

P.S. - excuse the messy job in the photo, and whoops if you didn't see it before I mentioned it.
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