Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A Thought to stop Thoughts

Here's something about me: I have so many things I want to do, and so many plans for my life that I don't know how I'm ever going to fit it all in.

Have you ever had that? Maybe you have too much work to do so you end up sitting and doing nothing because you don't know where to start. That's me - just with my entire life.

My brain is constantly thinking. I don't stop - ever. I've just read a statistic that people have approximately 100 000 thoughts a minute which is 1.5 thoughts in a second. Crazy, is it not? What is even more crazy is that, yeah, I have 200 000 thoughts a day which is probably why my boyfriend's phone is always flooded with messages because I'll message him when I think of something new - A.K.A. ALWAYS!

It has, kind of, been bugging me lately, since I don't ever do any of these things that I have planned for my life. I am always looking for the next big thing. I can never say, my life right now is fantastic and I'm so happy. Instead I say, I can't wait for all the things I have planned for next year! Guess what? Next year comes and it's the same story. I'm just going around in circles, really.

So, NEW THOUGHT - hey brain, SHUT UP. My challenge to myself (and to you, because I know I'm not alone in this) is to stop the thinking, stop the wishing and waiting, and start taking each day at a time, by a moment. Appreciate what you have here and now, and maybe once you've got that sorted, you will be able to fill your days with the things you actually want to do which, at the moment, for me, is to paint my room.

An update and pictures soon - once I have reached my goal. I promise.
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