Before I start my list of thoughts; it was Diwali yesterday, for those who didn't know. There were fireworks going on for most of the night. Our dog, Bella, is terrified of a couple of noises - namely fireworks, cars going around the racing-track nearby and vuvuzela's. This is how she sat for the majority of last night.
As for my thoughts...
- Mom, please don't make me get out of this bed to drive you somewhere.
- Nicole, stop being a bad daughter. Get out of bed. Good.
- Why do I choose to eat so much McDonalds?
- Actually, don't eat the McDonalds even though you bought it. GIVE ALL THE FOOD AWAY.
- Why don't I spend enough time with my sister?
- Oh, that's why.
- The extremity of how bad my eyesight is is beginning to scare me.
- Why is This Is Not That Blog so funny?
- Why am I such a bad artist that I can't even get my stickmen to look right?
- What if my roommates boyfriend kills me next year?
- What if I have a screaming match with him at a club and can't go home?
- Where will I go? Who will I stay with?
- F. Scott Fitzgerald is my inner soulmate. I'm sure of it.
- I think I'm in love with Justin Bieber. What?! Shut up, subconscious! You don't know what you're saying! It's the exam-boredom!
- Oh no wait, I'm still hooked on Keanu Reeves after watching The Matrix last night.
- What's for dinner?
- And Robert Downey Junior because he's just heaven on earth.
- Am I into older men?
- No, Nicole.
- I'm going to read all of the books that Charlie was given to read in Perks of being a Wallflower.
- I'm ready to be mind-f***ed by Existentialism again. Hello, Albert Camus.
- I hope the world doesn't end in December.
- Will I be going to Germany next June/July?
The last thought was the point my mind exploded purely because of how overwhelming it is. Uhm, hello?! Germany?! My dream come true. Watch this space, kids.
So - that was my day. Studying really is getting to me, clearly. I feel like I have cabin fever. I am practically living for November twenty-sixth when I can be free of this psychological, emotional oppression I am under.
Some people think I tend to be a bit of a drama queen. Sometimes I disagree. Right now I do not.
I will leave you with a quote I found today by Fitzgerald - he really is my favourite. It's quote from his book Magnetism - I haven't read it yet but it's on my list.
'Think how you love me,' she whispered. 'I don't ask you to love me always like this but I ask you to remember.'
'You'll always me like this to me.'
'Oh no; but promise me you'll remember.' Her tears were falling. 'I'll be different but somewhere lost inside me there'll always be the person I am tonight.'