If I had to provide a rating as to how involved our country gets in halloween, on a scale of one to ten, it's about negative eleven. I've seen and heard about so many halloween costumes from this year in so many countries all around the world (mainly America - obviously) and seriously, WHAT is up with pumpkin-flavoured-everything?! We don't even get that. I've yet to see a pumpkin - even in the supermarkets. Get your act together, South Africa.
As I haven't been making costumes and carving faces into vegetables, this is what I have been doing...
1. Finally getting my provisional-acceptance to the University of Cape Town.
2. Soaking up the sun when the weather isn't being bipolar.
3. Watching hail storms.
4. Trying to keep sane around insane people.
5. Kicking my own ass in bootcamp.
6. Eating celebratory sushi. (Yesterday, I finished maths FOREVER.)
7. Indulging in my daily dose of Mocha Frappe from McDonalds... it's happiness in a plastic cup - nothing more, and nothing less. If you haven't yet tried it - you haven't yet lived.
8. Studying (only just a bit...)
9. Skyping with the loveliest grandparents in the whole of the United Kingdom.
10. Spending the day with old friends at the racing-track nearby. Can I please be a professional car racer?
11. Drinking cocktails.
12. Playing the most annoying game you can get on any device - CandyShoot. I haven't been able to finish the last level for a couple of months now. This isn't an exaggeration.
One would think I'm not in the middle of finals.
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