Friday 27 April 2012

Day 10: Creativity is Contagious. So is the making of Yummy Food and Painting.

I have two bookmark folders on my iPad: Recipes to Try and Yummy Recipes. (Super nerdy - I know.) It happens like this: I find a recipe and I save it to the first bookmark folder. When I find time, I go on a baking-spree - yeah, this happens. This is one of the recipes my cousin and I tried. Bitches loved it. It is called Dulce Le Leche Cheesecake. Hashtag going French.

(Credit to the following blog:

Note: instead of Graham Crackers I used Marie Buscuits because THIS IS SOUTH AFRICA. Instead of Dulce Le Leche I used caramel sauce which, I know, kind of defeats the title of the dessert, so it should be called Caramel Cheesecake - but whatever. I also used normal cream over heavy cream/chocolate liqueur because I couldn't find either options because THIS IS SOUTH AFRICA. Just kidding. I probably didn't look very hard.

The final result was delicious.
So this is what you do - open up that tab, make this dessert and put it in your pie hole.

And then, as my creative juices were on a roll; a painting session with mom. As you can see, I painted a mug for my boyfriend, and as you can or can't see, mom painted a heart to hang on her heart wall. (That's a real thing in my household except we don't call it that. I just made it up.)

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. - Maya Angelou
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