Saturday 12 January 2013

Feel-Good People & A New Year's Philosophy

You know you get those feel-good people in life? There are very few in life. They are the people that completely understand you and all your quirks. You know for certain that you can speak freely around them and never have to sugar-coat anything. You can speak to them about anything because you know that they will never truly judge you with anything that you do. You always have a good time with them and can be in their company for days on end and still think they are feel-good people at the end of your time together.

I have this opinion that only 1 in every 100 people you meet is going to be this kind of person to you. That is a very small ratio, and in a way, it is rather sad, but it also makes the feel-good people you meet that much more meaningful. I am fortunate to have met a couple of these soul-mates of mine already. After struggling with a couple of thoughts about life in general this week, I spent the evening on the phone to one of my feel-good people, and I managed to sort through and provide myself with a solution to my thoughts.

One of the greatest problems that I have in my life is that I care too much about what people think. I really do. It becomes a factor in every decision I make in my life. It's terrible - I know. Nicole Antionette of Nicole Is Better wrote a post that relates to this line of thinking. You can read it here. No one really gives as much of a shit as you think they do, so why not do whatever you damn well please, when you damn well please?

I didn't end up making a New Years Resolution because I never stick to them. I don't even have a theme or a philosophy to stick to this year. At least, I didn't. But I think I have found mine. My 2013 philosophy is to live this year doing exactly what makes me happy. Because it is my life, and it's only going to be me lying on my death bed at the end of my life - so why the fuck not?

Excuse my French.

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